
Læsedrama Et læsedrama (eng. closet drama, ty. Lesedrama el. Buchdrama, fr. théâtre dans un fauteuil) defineres som en dramatisk tekst, der ikke er skrevet med henblik på scenisk opførelse, men i stedet til at blive læst (højt) og udspille sig i læserens (tilhørerens) fantasi. Begrebet spænder dog bredt: fra dramatekster, hvor fordringerne til sceneteknikken er […]

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Forfatter Ulla Kallenbach
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Burroughs, Catherine (2018). Closet Drama: History, Theory, Form. London: Taylor and Francis



Barish, Jonas A. (1981). The Antitheatrical Prejudice. Berkeley / London: University of California Press

Matthews, Brander (1908). “The Legitimacy of the Closet-Drama”. The North American Review, 187, s . 213

Puchner, Martin (2002). Stage Fright : Modernism, Anti-theatricality, and Drama. Baltimore / London: John Hopkins University Press

Raber, Karen (2001). Dramatic Difference: Gender, Class, and Genre in the Early Modern Closet Drama. Newark, Del: University of Delaware Press / London: Associated University Presses

Richardson, Alan (1988). A Mental Theater: Poetic Drama and Consciousness in the Romantic Age. University Park, Penn.: Pennsylvania State University Press

Salvato, Nick (2010). Uncloseting Drama: American Modernism and Queer Performance. New Haven, Conn. / London: Yale University Press

Simpson, Michael (1998). Closet Performances: Political Exhibition and Prohibition in the Dramas of Byron and Shelley. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press

Straznicky, Marta (2004). Privacy, Playreading, and Women’s Closet Drama, 1550-1700. Cambridge / New York: Cambridge University Press